WHAT'S NEW ?      N15





You will appreciate that our website is expanding all the time as we receive new stories, photographs and memories from residents past and present.  This section is therefore intended to highlight the most recent additions to the 'Summerhill Road' site.

Simply Click on the BUTTON alongside each entry for a direct link to the item. 


Tottenham Nostalgia - Interesting places and memories from the past. 
 Tottenham - Interesting Snippets from our local history. 



Item Description
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW DNA Journey -Sir William Prescott MP - TV Programme Disclosure  DEC 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW Challen Pianos - Harringay - The World's Largest Piano       DEC 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) UPDATED  WW1 West Green Memorial - Photos - Remembrance Day 2024  DEC  2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW Autobiography - Ray Kemp - From The Shadows of War- Tottenham Memories  OCT 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW WW1 West Green Memorial - Tragic profile Sylvester Charles Knell  NOV 2024
          SCROLL DOWN on page - ALPHABETICAL List
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW Tottenham Underground Stations - A History                       NOV 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) UPDATED  John Williams (1796-1839) South Seas Missionery - A life !      NOV 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  NEW Reference Book - Tottenham Walks by Mareeni Raymond and Edward Richards MAY 2024 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW A Life of Song and Dance -The Career of Tottenham Girl Marianne Price JAN 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW The 'TWO WILLIAMS' Exhibition - Bruce Castle Museum JAN 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) UPDATE  Famous Sons and Daughters of Tottenham.  New Additions   JAN 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) UPDATE  Street Games - The games we once played in Tottenham's Streets.  JAN 2024
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW All Hallows Church - Commemorative Clock - Rev Augustin Starey 1883   DEC 2023
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW  Henry Tracey Coxwell - Pioneering balloonist and Aeronaut  DEC 2023
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW Mysterious Spurs Shield - Presented in December 1967      DEC 2023
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) UPDATE William Thomas Reed Atkinson - Grave Restoration Ceremony Oct 2023  NOV 2023
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) UPDATE West Green Memorial - Remembrance Day Nov 2023  NOV 2023
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  NEW Harold Charles Kenworthy - Prominent Role - WW2 Codebreaking Bletchley Park APR 2023 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  NEW Cecil VictorShadbolt - Pioneer Aerial Photographer  AUG 2023 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  NEW OBITUARY -John Giggins - Former steward upon the Royal Train  AUG 2023 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW The West Green Road Murder 1913                      APR 2023   
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW The Lea Valley Sailing Club - Update Origin of 'FLY' Class      APR 2023   
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW Coronation Memories -Alan Swain - UPDATED               APR 2023   
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  NEW The River Lea - Tottenham - Update -New maps and photos  APR 2023 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW Philip Lane, Tottenham  - UPDATED - History and Photos    APR 2023  
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Moubray Family - Fife Scotland - Interesting Tottenham Connections  MAR 2023  
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Dr John Louis Sykes (1871-1948) -Former Spurs Player, Vice President and all round sportsman   FEB 2023  
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Thomas William Moy (1822-1905) Aeronautical Pioneer  FEB 2023  
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Geoffrey John Hall - Artist - Born Tottenham  JAN 2023

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Samuel Goldstein- Holocaust Survivor -West Green Road  OCT 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Alfred H Coleman-Resident Summerhill Road -Asst Secretary at Spurs (1909 -1926)  SEPT 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Updated Version of 'Allen Al Cullens' Hand-Drawn MAP of Tottenham  AUG 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The Swinging 60's - Live Music 'The Swan' Tottenham- John Maskell  MAY 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Obituary - Brian Clifford - celebrated son of Tottenham  MAY 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Eagle House School Tottenham Green & 'Stitching The World' FEB 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Local History reference books; Loving Lebus and Old Cafes of Tottenham  FEB 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  From Normandy to the Elbe - WW2 Experiences - John.W.C Robinson  FEB 2022
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) UPDATED  Tottenham Royal & Memories of David Clinch  FEB 2022 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Famous Sons & Daughters Tottenham- Chris Cross and Martin Benson  DEC 2021
  downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Dicky Bird's Ice-Cream Shop- Tottenham High Road  DEC 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Doug Bruton - WW2 Hero - Wartime Experiences     DEC 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Pubs -SUB-MENU: New articles 'Historic Pubs' and 'Martin Carlton Collection'   DEC 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Grammar School  - Booklet dating back to 1931   OCT 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Horseshoe Coaches - Tottenham ( List of Publications -History)   OCT 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Industrial Heritage  - ADDED Weber Footwear   OCT 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  In Memorium- Brenda Stanford (nee Woodward- Summerhill Road  OCT 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Commemorative Plaque - William Thomas Reed Atkinson - Unveiling Ceremony  OCT 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Peter Brown - Handwritten and illustrated booklets -Tottenham     AUG 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Old Maps of Tottenham (UPDATED)   AUG 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) In Memorium - Stewart Green (1944-2021) J.E Green Builders Merchants  AUG 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Auger Fishing Tackle - Local Business- Summerhill Road -Tottenham   AUG 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Famous Sons of Tottenham - Bobby Buckle FEB 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) NEW Local History reference books; Harris Lebus and Bobby Buckle    FEB 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Ralph Barwick - Hero of Korean War- Recogniton fron Gen MacArthur   FEB 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Harringay Arena and Stadium- A History    FEB 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Reminiscences of the Phillips Family - Cholera Outbreak London 1866   FEB 2021  UPDATED JUNE 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham to Cottenham - My Tottenham Childhood - Barbara Phillips  JAN 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Harby's Greengrocers- Summerhll Road- The story behind the photograph UPDATED FEB 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) A House Through Time - House Detective- Summerhill Road  JAN 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Memories of Tottenham - Jean Walters  JAN 2021 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Famous Sons and Daughters- ADDED Eileen Atkins  JAN 2021
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Old Photo's of Tottenham - Tottenham Carnival 1972 & 1976 - Ken Haynes DEC 2020
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Memories of John Dickinson's -Fountayne Road- Ken Clarke DEC 2020
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) May Queen Celebrations - Seven Sisters School  Rhoda Manning Photos  DEC 2020
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Street Parties- V.E Day & Coronation- NEW Additions - DEC 2020 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham's Industrial Heritage- AdditionTottenham & District Gas Co DEC 2020
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) E.C Ambridge - Historic Ironmongers and hardware store Tottenham High Road                                                        JULY 2019
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Hotspur Experience - Tour of New Stadium      JULY 2019
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Photographs - Jim Clark Collection (Obituary & New Photos)    FEB 2019
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Bruce Castle Museum - BBC Your Paintings Collection (Additional Paintings)  FEB 2019
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Memorial to Ray Swain - Local Historian and Co-Founder of Website   DEC 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) WW1 West Green Memorial - Armistice Centenary ceremony   DEC 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Old Pubs of Tottenham - Old photograph of 'The Dagmar' Cornwall Road added - DEC 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Philip Lane Tottenham - New collection of photograhs added   DEC 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Talbot Baines Reed - Victorian Author of Boys Books   AUG 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) James Smithson -Founder of the Smithsonion Institution  AUG 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Don Vale -Recollections of Clyde Road and the early Dave Clark Five                                AUG 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Percy House Tottenham - Home to the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation                               AUG 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Janet Roberts -Photographs of the 'SMALL' family from Summerhill Road.       AUG 2018
                                                                                                  APR 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) A Child of The Blitz- WW2 Memories of Jim Hepting.      MAR 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Henry Hunnings - Inventor of the carbon granule telephone transmitter -  MAR 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) New book releases - Rev Henry Hunnings MA  &  Glory, Glory Lane  MAR 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Grammar School- Duchess of Somerset Ceremony - Westminster Abbey
                                                                MAR 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Memorial to Ron Jones - 1937-2017- Former Resident of Summerhill Road  JAN 2018
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Living in Clyde Road 1950's - Sue Rowe (nee Bray)  NOV 2017
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  WW1 War Memorial - West Green New Victims Profiles - Ellis Sibley Gill and Charles Edward Gerrie       NOV 2017                   
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Arthur Blakie Purvis - Tottenham Man - WW2 Chief of Supply   OCT 2017
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  'Glory, Glory Lane'  Spurs Book by Mike Donovan   OCT 2017
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The Origin of the name Tottenham - Our Local History    JULY 2017
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 'THE FINALE' A fond farewell to the historic Spurs stadium. MAY 2017
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)    Local History Fair-Bruce Castle Museum 17th Feb 2017
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Julia Maria Holt (Verstraete) - Wartime Heroine   DEC 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) West Green Road Memories - Denningtons Bakery 1920s  DEC 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) There's No Place Like Home - Susie Macey (Mayes)- Emigrated to America 1892
                                                         DEC 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  Obituary- Queenie Rawle - Survivor of Downhills Shelter Tragedy Sept 1940
                                                      DEC 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes)  WW1 War Memorial - West Green - In this centenery year of the Battle of the Somme discover the research findings on over 420 local men who lost their lives and lived within one Mile of this sadly neglected Memorial -Now includes interesting Profile of Sydney Elphich Sanders       AUG 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Coronation & VE Day Street Party's
Antill Road Beaconsfield Road Brereton Road Colsterworth Road Durban Road Harris Lebus Glenwood Road Sutherland Road The Avenue Whitehall Street Winchelsea Road - Greyhound Road V.E Day added  AUG 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Old Tottenham Photo Collection - Steve Rowe  (New Images)
                                      AUGUST 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Street Traders and Doorstep Service Providers 

                                 JUN 2016

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Summerhill Road Census returns- Updated to include 1911 Census. A view of all the occupents: Names, age,and occupations. 1861 to 1911  MAY 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The Parks of Tottenham     MAY 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The old Schools of Tottenham   MAY 2016
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Priscilla Wakefield- Author and Philanthropist 1751-1832 

                                                     DEC 2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Ben Robson - Tottenham Sketches by local artist 

Additional sketches included                   OCT 2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Old Photographs of Tottenham - Steve Rowe   SEPT 2015
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Benjamin Godfrey Windus- Art Collector - Tottenham Green

JULY 2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Walter How - Member of Shackleton's Antarctica Expedition

MAY  2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Daphne Bradley - Tottenham Memories 1940s & 50s

MAY  2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) William Atkinson (1851-1929) - Violin Maker in Tottenham

MAY  2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Gestetners- Dorothy Hadlingham Photograph MAY  2015
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Luke Howard - Barometrographia Plates & New Portrait

                                                 MAY 2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Downhills Shelter Tragedy -New memorial photographs- MAY  2015
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The Rifleman Pub - Birthplace of Matchbox Toys

                                          FEB  2015

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) New Tottenham Photographs- Dixon Scott Collection National Archives

                                        NOV 2014

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Myall's Shoe Shop -West Green Road Tottenham

NOW COMPLETED                                        OCT 2014

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Petroleum Transport Company - UPDATE

Featured in BBC series 'SURVIVOR' 1975                OCT 2014

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Book Release:  The Pubs of Tottenham High Road - Norrie Doyle

                                                   JULY 2014

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Bruce Castle Museum - BBC Your Paintings Collection     JUNE 2014
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Gadsdon's - Linking Spitalfields to Tottenham  APRIL 2014
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Parish Church - All Hallows   APRIL 2014
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Photographs of Tottenham-Jim Clark Collection  FEB 2014
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The Swap Shop - West Green Road Tottenham  FEB 2014
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The Tottenham Royal-and Famous Performers  FEB 2014
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Wartime Evacuee- Oh Mr Attlee what do you do ? - Joe Hewlett

                      FEB 2014

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Clyde Road - Tottenham - Residents Menu

Including Malcolm Hall and Paul Wooller memories   DEC 2013

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Bill Nicholson - Mr Spurs                                MAY 2013
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Memories of an Evacuee - John Harvey                          FEBRUARY 2013
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) The River Lea - Tottenham - A Brief History                   JANUARY 2013 
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Trolleybus's Buses of Tottenham- Linda Bonner - Metropolitan Tramway photographs                                                         NOVEMBER 2012
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Memories from Australia - Steven Rowe                    MAY 2012
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Dr. Arnold Lynch - Wartime Code-Breaker - from Downhills Park to Bletchley Park

                                                                                         MARCH 2012

downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Seven Sisters Trees - A History                                  NEW FEATURE FEB 2012
downhi1.jpg (1887 bytes) Tottenham Memories - Peter Smith - High Road Shops                             DEC 2011
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Note: We have recently made contact with Rosalie Spire the Granddaughter of Robert Spire who died in the Downhills Shelter Tragedy. We hope to feature her story in the near future. -   12/11/09 -    NOW PUBLISHED  13/01/10




Downhills Shelter Update
BREAKING NEWS We are pleased to announce that a conservation officer has eventually been assigned to this project and we understand a contract has now been issued for the restoration of the memorial and replacement of missing 'Lead Lettering' to help ensure the victims names can be fully identified.
We now have every expectation that this work will be completed ahead of the Armistice Centenary Commemorations in November 2018.

 We continue to seek information on this tragic event and frequently make appeals at events like the 'Local History Fair.' held at Bruce Castle Museum annually.  Furthermore it is encouraging to note that at a past meeting of the 'Lordship Rec Users Forum Meeting', it was generally agreed that as part of the River Moselle overhaul project consideration should be given to the construction of a memorial bridge.

A historic commemoration ceremony was held on Sunday 16th November 2008 when for the first time public recognition was give to the victims of the shelter tragedy. In addition to some survivors and relatives of the victims families,there were representatives from the Police, Fire Brigade and Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.  The ceremony was also attended by the Mayor of Haringey and prayers were offered by the vicar of St Phillips Church. 

Since this time we have received three more eye-witness stories from survivors of the tragedy. Their stories can be found on the Downhills Shelter feature.               

You are reminded that the Downhills Park Air-Raid shelter tragedy occurred on the 19th Sept 1940 when many local people lost their lives. Sadly this tragic event has gone largely unmarked and no memorial was ever built as a lasting tribute to the victims and the heroic efforts of the emergency services. Hopefully we can help change that !

Following many years of Research and fundraising we are pleased to announce that a permanent memorial to the victims was eventually dedicated in Lordship Recreation Ground in July 2014



If you have any memories of this tragedy or can recall any other details that will help us to gather more information on the incident then please let me know and e-mail details to me at:                  AlanswaiN17@virginmedia.com


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